voila j'ai 60 followers je suis trop contente et j'organise donc mon premier giveaway .
les conditions :
- être un de mes follower via google friend connect
- me laisser un commentaire avec votre adresse e mail
attendre le 28 AVRIL a minuit et random m'indiquera le numéro du commentaire gagnant
le résultat sera donc connu le 29 avril et le gagnant contacté en même temps , une réponse doit être donné dans les 36h sinon un nouveau tirage au sort sera effectué .
j'envoie a l'international si la gagnante n'est pas française .
j'espere que le lot vous plaira
voila I have 60 followers and I'm so happy I organize so my first giveaway.
- Be one of my follower via google friend connect
- Leave me a comment with your e-mail
until April 28 at midnight and show me the number of random comments winner
the result will be known on April 29 and the winner contacted at the same time, a response must be given within 36 hours if a new draw will be made .
i send internationally if a winner is not French .
xoxo lily
2 gloss hello kitty H&M pineapple et melon sqeeze
2 lipgloss hello kitty H&M pineapple et melon sqeeze
une trousse hello kitty h&m
kit h & m hello kitty
un crayon noir et mascara faux cils Peggy Sage
false lash illusion & black khol for eyes
une paire de séparateur de doigts de pieds
1 pair of toe separators
une lime pop jaune et orange
nail file
des stickers peggy sage et disney
nails stickers peggy sage & disney
des strass by konad
strass by konad
une plaque Konad M63
konad plate M63
2 stylo nail art 3D rose et violet
2 nail pen 3D pink & purple
un miroir de poche zebré
a pocket mirror zebra
un paquet de mentos rainbow
chewy dragees mentos rainbow
un quatuor ombre a paupières hello kitty H&M
4 eyes shadows Hello Kitty by H&M
une base top coat by Peggy Sage
2-in-1 base and finish for nail lacquer
un porte monnaie h&m
a purse h & m
un jet set de l'oréal 001
nail polish jet set by l'oréal 001
h&m preppy pink
h&m preppy pink
h&m hello kitty garden green
h&m hello kitty garden green
Claire's transparent avec paillettes PM &GM et étoiles argenté holographique
Claire's transparent with glitter PM & GM and silver holographic stars
H&M fashionista
H&M fashionista
Opi alpine snow matte
Opi alpine snow matte
China Glaze 5 golden rings
China Glaze 5 golden rings
China Glaze cherish
China Glaze cherish
China Glaze entourage
China Glaze entourage
E n°69 (je l'ai ramené du japon )
E n°69(I brought back from Japan)
ORLY mini rio
ORLY mini rio
un livre nail art collection que je vous ai ramené de TOKYO
nail art book collection that I've brought in TOKYO
Congrats on 60!! What a great giveaway!
tiffani1 (at) hughes [dot] net
Lovely giveaway!
RépondreSupprimerI'm a follower. :]
My email address: warpaint.princess [at] gmail [dot] com
Oh my goodness what a great bunch :) I always sub back to my followers so I subbed to you too!
RépondreSupprimerpianistwithanaccent at gmail dot com
WOW, nice giveaway.
RépondreSupprimerI'm a follower through bloglines and google friend connect too. I'm your 66th follower. :)
My email is susies@twcny.rr.com
I'm a follower!! Congrats on all your followers!!
RépondreSupprimerMy emil is nailstah@gmail(dot)com
Wow, congrats on the 60 followers!!! This is a great giveaway!
RépondreSupprimerI'm a follower
YAY! Congrats on 60 followers!
RépondreSupprimercamiller714 at yahoo dot com
wow, amazing giveaway and congrats on the followers! :D
Congrats on the 60 followers!! :)
RépondreSupprimerI'm a follower!
Bravo 60 followers!
RépondreSupprimerEt moi en plus!!!
i'm following
RépondreSupprimerdaisypack at hotmail dot com
Alors voyons voir est-ce que ce lot est plaisant ???? Bah oui bien sûr et merci de m'inclure dans le tirage !!
RépondreSupprimerJe te suis via google : Saori
Mon adresse mail : Saori.nail@gmail.com
Coucou je viens de devenir une followeuse de ton blog mdr via google (gmail) : Jessica Ribeiro
RépondreSupprimerje te donne mon email: jess1205@gmail.com
Voila merci pour ce giveaway ^^ bisous
Congratulations :]
RépondreSupprimermeganmtatham (at) aol (dot) com
how fun, thank you!
RépondreSupprimerI am a follower.
my email is sarah.ef@gmail.com
I am a follower through Google Friend Connect.
RépondreSupprimerEmail is starlightlace@gmail.com
that's an unbelievably amazing giveaway =) Thank you for being so generous!
RépondreSupprimerI am a follower(rhea katyal)
my email is rhea.katyal@gmail.com
RépondreSupprimeravec un aussi joli giveaway on peut devenir followeuse!
Je te suis via google!
bizz à toi et merci pour ce giveaway !
yay! Congrats :D
RépondreSupprimerI'm a follower and my email is fashionedinfinland @ gmail.com
Congrats !I am a follower : Andreea
RépondreSupprimerMy email adress : s.andreea2007@gmail.com
I blogged here: http://frumusikapro.blogspot.com/2010/04/79-my-little-world-of-polish-by-lily.html
bien sur que je participe
RépondreSupprimermembre : elacsap20
mail elacsap20@orange.fr
congratulations! You're already at 77 now :)
RépondreSupprimermy email:
great giveaway :)
RépondreSupprimere-mail adress is
Wowwww Lily, what a great give away!!!
RépondreSupprimerI am already a follower on your blog and my mailaddress is: mypassion4beauty@hotmail.com
Pls take also a look on my blog to see my give away! :)
Congratulations! 83 followers already!
RépondreSupprimerMy mail: polishandbpal /at/ gmx dot de
Thanks for a great giveaway, Lily! :))
RépondreSupprimerI'm a follower (blanche.b at gmail dot com) and I put your giveaway on my sidebar.
Congrats on your follower, i love nail polish blog zoo much :)
RépondreSupprimerEnter Me Please! ! :)
I am a newfollower via google friend !
my name ipeh ping
email me : ipehishere[at]gmail[dot]com
i post your giveaway here your link on my sidebar :
thank you :)
congrats on 60 followers!!!
RépondreSupprimerplease enter me :)
I follow you through Google Friend Connect: Niki*
Congrats, and such a nice giveaway full of goodies!I'm in! I follow you, ofcourse, as "Manicure Time".
....hope I win...
Enter me please! I'm a new follower from Spain (fisiwoman)
RépondreSupprimerAna Belén R.M
Congrats! Enter me please =) I'm a new follower and I love nail polish
Congrats! You've got a cute blog!
RépondreSupprimerI'd love to enter your giveaway!
mochamishmash @ gmail.com
Ce commentaire a été supprimé par l'auteur.
RépondreSupprimerWow that's a really amazing giveaway! Thanks for the heads up, totally sucked me in hahaha.
RépondreSupprimerI'm now a follower and my email is:
Thank you for visiting my blog and your kind comment!
RépondreSupprimerI'd love to enter this giveaway.
I'm following via Google Friend Connect and my email is:
polishmakeup [at] gmail [dot] com
congrats on 60 followers :)
RépondreSupprimerI am a new follower - Vanessa
ilovevanessasomuch at gmail.com
Great givaway! New follower - Suzanne
RépondreSupprimerssssuzanne @ gmail.com
Hi, what a beautiful idea! Have a nice day ^_^.
RépondreSupprimerAstasia from Trendynail
trendynailstaff @ gmail . com
Hello! Thank you so much for visiting my blog, I have made a post about your giveaway here:
And please sign me up too! I´m a follower!
Bonsoir :)
RépondreSupprimerJoli Giveaway et félicitations pour tes 60 followeurs :D
1. "followeuse" Google, pseudo Taninhah
2. Email : new_disease86 @ hotmail . com
Merci merci :D (je veux moi aussi aller à tokyo et me trouver plein de magazines T__T )
Hi :) I am entering your contest thanks for making me aware of it :) its a great prize the lucky winner will be sooo happy
RépondreSupprimermy email is mclaughlin1983@hotmail.com
I also added you to my contest section.
And thanks for the lovely comment on my blog!
awsome! i love nail polish and makeup products :)
I became a follower and Congrats you passed 100.
RépondreSupprimernancysoffice at gmail dot com
Congratulations on all your followers! You chose many lovely items for your giveaway. <3
RépondreSupprimerI am following through Google Friend Connect.
Coucou :)
RépondreSupprimerFélicitations pour tes 60 followeurs!
Moi je me lance dans le nail art tout juste et ton giveaway m'aiderais beaucoup à débuter ^^
1.mon pseudo: Scarlet_Letter
2.mon adresse: galissenaomi@hotmail.com
Bisous :)
I'm following you!
RépondreSupprimerGreat giveaway!
RépondreSupprimerEnter me please :)
I follow you with this nick bij Google friend connect: ColourVictim.
My email is colourvictim(@)gmail(.)com
Hi Im a follower :)
RépondreSupprimerMy email is b3th.xo@hotmail.com
Congratulations on 60+ Followers! Such a nice giveaway!
RépondreSupprimerI follow thru Google Friend Connect and I'm enjoying catching up with your blog.
elizabethallbright at gmail dot com
Lovely giveaway! Enter me please! I'm follower!
Félicitations! Je tente ma chance pour ce superbe giveaway.
RépondreSupprimerCongratulations, you passed 100 now! I follow you through google friend connect.
Congrats hun!!!
RépondreSupprimerThis is an amazing giveaway!
I am now following your blog via Google Friend Connect.
Thanks for the chance!
xo Nicole
Wonderful giveaway! And congratulations on 115 follower! I'm this 115th. LOL
RépondreSupprimerdaoshaocsp at gmail dot com
Already a follower of your blog.
RépondreSupprimeremail: gorgeous8831@yahoo.com
Congratulations! I've just found your blog :P I follow you on Google as Lena Tallina. My email adress is lenatallina@googlemail.com
RépondreSupprimerThanks very much!
I'm a follower, enter me please!
RépondreSupprimerpolish fiend (at) bell dot net.
*-- Not an entry --*
RépondreSupprimerJust wanted to let you know that I listed your giveaway in my blog!
Here's the link:
I hope it brings you more participants & followers. :) And congrats on the 60 followers!
RépondreSupprimerFelicitations car je vois que tu as maintenant 120 membres !
Je suis une de tes followers via Google friend connect.
Mon nom sous Google est Claire's Blog et mon adresse email est claireelfic@gmail.com
Je fais aussi un petit giveaway pour gagner deux China Glaze ; )
Hi! I'm a follower.
RépondreSupprimerjoanne.j at hotmail dot com
RépondreSupprimerI'm a follower!!<3
My e-mail: zivic.tatjana@gmail.com
Fingers crossed!! And thanks for the giveaway!
Have fun:P
Great giveaway, thank you for sharing this with your followers!
RépondreSupprimerI'm a follower
polishsis (@) gmail.com
Awesome giveaway and awesome blog - thankies for contacting me (:
RépondreSupprimerdelaynee88 [at] hotmail [dot] com
Hi Lily,
RépondreSupprimerThanks for letting me know about your giveaway. I'm now a follower. Please continue to come to my site and read my blog and get more giveaway information.
My site with your giveaway posted: http://www.stampingnails.com/2010/04/12/lily-nails-giveaway/
My Email: memories1002@yahoo.com
Thanks again, StampingNails
Lily, thanks so much for informing me of your giveaway. Your generosity will be richly rewarded. I don't know exactly what you mean by "show the number of random comments winner," so sorry!
RépondreSupprimer1) I follow as jo.frougal, email is frougal at yahoo dot com.
2) Here's my blog post with pic.
Thanks so much and congratulations on your 126 (and increasing) followers!
Nice giveaway! I'm a follower!
That´s a super Giveaway :-))
RépondreSupprimerI'm your 34th follower (?)
sonidlo :)
Great giveaway!
RépondreSupprimeri'm a follower
nitzanbn at gmail dot com
RépondreSupprimerWahou quel beau giveaway et je vois que tu as de plus en plus de followers, félicitation !
Moi je me lence dans le nail art et je vais bientot créer mon blog mais avant j'attends la fin de mes exams...
En tout cas tous ces cadeaux sont très attirants !
Je suis dans tes Folowers avec qoogle friends et mon nom est Régalade.
Mon adresse mail : juju-kitty@hotmail.com
i love this giveaway :) congrats on ur followers
RépondreSupprimerim following via google :)
fingers crossed!
RépondreSupprimerI'm a follower. = )
Lovely giveaway, ener me. = D
I'll put your giveaway on my sidebar and your blog on my blogroll.
Andreia. *
Such a lovely giveaway! Thank you so much for doing this! ♥
RépondreSupprimerMail: She.Chris@web.de
Hi from Germany!
RépondreSupprimerCongratulations and great Giveaway!
What a great giveaway!
Thanks :D
Hey! I'm a follower.
Hii! ENTER ME plss~~
RépondreSupprimer*I'm your followers^^ (username: Risyaa♥ )
I really hope I'll win~
Fingers crossed^^
I'm Risya
My Email: Risya271(at)yahoo(dot)com
Already a follower of your blog.
RépondreSupprimeremail: gorgeous8831@yahoo.com
Hi, My name is Li Lian and I would love to entered in your contest
RépondreSupprimerI am following you through my blog http://shortwidenails.blogspot.com under google friend connect:
li lian.
My blogger name is shortnails
My email is li_lian_c@hotmail.com
I have posted about your contest in my blog here:
Hi great blog, and awesome giveaway, well done!
RépondreSupprimerPlease enter me =), redz24 (at) btinternet (dot) com
What a fantastic contest! I'm a new follower via Google friend connect and I love your blog. Great pics! Thanks for being a reader over at my blog http://tropicalmind.blogspot.com/
RépondreSupprimerMy email - chrisanderin526@msn.com
Hello, Please, enter me! I am your follower and you are on my blogroll :)
Lucisek-Lucy's Stash
RépondreSupprimerJe Suis Dans tes amis Avec Google!
Je m'appelle Pomme-d4appY et VOICI lun. adresse mail: anne-sophie-v@hotmail.fr
j'adore fais CE Que tu!! Tu es trop fort!
Hi! Thanks for commenting on my blog and inviting me to yours! New follower here and my email is lunatikitty[at]gmail[dot]com
RépondreSupprimerI look forward to reading more =)
Congrats on the followers! I now know what a big deal it is to the blogger. I have 6 at the moment. lol
rebecca_a_hill at yahoo dot com dot au
This is a really great giveaway! Thanks for the chance to win.
RépondreSupprimeremail: ckim1088@gmail.com
also a follower of your blog. :)
i'm a follower!
congrats and thanks <3!
im a new follower sweetie..
RépondreSupprimermy email address: rescueta@gmail.com
congrats on hitting 60+ followers
keep on posting!
hugs and kisses
Congratulations on having so many followers!
RépondreSupprimerI am definitely one of them:
P.S. I am a very big fan of Hello Kitty & anything by Sanrio
Congrats on your followers!!!
RépondreSupprimerI am a follower!!!
Orihime ^O^
Looooooove this giveaway!!!!!! Im literally in love with it!
Thank you so much for this giveaway!
0o0oh yea i also blogged about it check it out! :::
amazing giveaway!! enter me please!!
RépondreSupprimerI'm already a follower! :)
RépondreSupprimerheres my email: cow_jamie@yahoo.com.sg
:D pretty stuff!!!
congratulations! enter me please :)
So many pretties! :)
RépondreSupprimerI'm a follower and would like to enter, please.
amazing bunch o' prizes! please enter me :)
RépondreSupprimerkatch05 at gmail dot com
Enter me please :) I'm a new follower.
RépondreSupprimeremail: lauraarvonen@hotmail.com
RépondreSupprimerI am a new follower and I follow you as Helena :)
I have also blogged about this:
new follower #163 thru google friend connect
peripatetic33 at hot mail dot com
enter me please and thank you
What a great giveaway! =) I am a new follower.
RépondreSupprimerE-mail: thenailpolishaddict(at)gmail(dot)com
hi! i'm a new follower of your blog (#164) via google friend connect, my name is Jennifer.
RépondreSupprimeri'd love to enter your giveaway!
i blogged about your giveaway here:
and my email is:
tryme.imtoxic (at) gmail (dot) com
Congrats on the followers! I'm also a follower. :) Enter me please!
RépondreSupprimerhot_ring_gal at hotmail.com
lovely giveaway !! I'm a follower :)
Hey doll! CONGRATS!!! I am a happy follower of yours :] Name will show up Soulfulsuga through google- SugaSugaSuga@blogspot.com. Please enter me! Good luck to EVERYONE and best wishes!* ♥
RépondreSupprimerEmail: Ssmith12@OhioHealth.com
Lovely giveaway you have here :)
RépondreSupprimerFollower name: Adeline Er
throughbeautyeyes [at] gmail [dot] com
I have blogged about your giveaway here :)
Coucou ma belle . je passe regulierement par la mais je ne laisse jamais de message ( trop timide ^^) voici mon adresse email
Vanéssa . L
Congrats, you rock!
RépondreSupprimeralesia60614 at yahoo dot com
What a nice giveaway!
RépondreSupprimerI'm a new follower, the name is beauty vibes :)
great giveaway[:
i'm also putting your giveaway in my side bar.
follow if you like my blog
Neat! I am a follower.
congrats chicky!
RépondreSupprimerawesome giveaway, im a follower :)
Great giveaway!
i love the items..
RépondreSupprimeri'm a new follower. thanks for commenting on my site. :)
Yay! thanks for telling me about your giveaway. I would have missed out on something good. :)
RépondreSupprimerI am now a follower!
my email: l.praseuth@yahoo.com
Thanks for the heads up on the Giveaway I loooove hello kitty!!
RépondreSupprimerI am a follower;)
email: Helloookitty00@aol.com
congrats on 60+ followers !
RépondreSupprimerI'm a new follower
kliolessya at yahoo dot com
im a new follower. please enter me! ^_^
RépondreSupprimerI am a follower of your blog, please enter me!
congratulations deary, i'm now your 185th follower.
RépondreSupprimeri blogged your giveaway here pls. check it out
thanks for sharing hun.
congrats! i just found your blog and love it@!
Lovely giveaway :)
Congrats! Awesome giveaway! Thanks for the chance! :D
RépondreSupprimertabbylewis (at) hotmail (dot) com
Lovely blog and lovely giveaway!
RépondreSupprimerCongratulations on 60 followers (now 190)!
I'm a follower.
Email: bluetapenails(at)gmail(dot)com
Superbe giveaway ! Merci pour l'invitation :)
RépondreSupprimerJe te suis via Google Friend Connect :)
thanks for your comment on my blog :)
RépondreSupprimerI'm a follower!
smdgen AT gmail DOT com
RépondreSupprimerGreat giveaway.
I'm a follower and I posted about your giveaway on my blog. You can check it out here.
Hi, great giveaway!!!
RépondreSupprimerI`m a follower, My email is: lianamacinic[at]gmail[dot]com
I also blogged about you giveaway here: http://homemadenails.blogspot.com/2010/04/lily-nail-has-60-followers-giveaway.html
Would love to enter such a fab giveaway. Imagine getting all that!! woot!
RépondreSupprimerAND CONGRATS to 60 followers, look how many you have now! 190!
my emaail is: twilight.hannah@gmail.com
I am a follower now.
Bonsoir ma cherie!Lovely giveaway and congrats on the followers!Enter me please :)
p.s.I'm a follower
Congratulations on the 60 followers! Please enter me - I am a follower "angayle."
RépondreSupprimerThank you!
Awesome giveaway! Enter me please!
I also blogged about your giveaway here:
Salut ! C'est drôle que tu aies trouvé mon blog ! Merci pour le commentaire, je suis une française immigrée à MTL , j'écris en anglais...
RépondreSupprimerMerci de me faire participer
Caro xxx
Super ton giveaway ^^
RépondreSupprimerJe voudrais y participer :)
Congrats on your followers!
RépondreSupprimerI am a follower
Email: alexc11@ufl.edu
i follow and would love to enter, thank you!
RépondreSupprimercontact email: tsgiveaways(at)hotmail.com
I'm a new follower (I love finding new polish blogs).
Yay, I am a new follower, thanks for following me!
Hi, I´m new follower. I relly love your blog :-)
Hi, I'm a new follower! Please enter me:
Great giweaway! I`m follower.
Congratulations on 60 followers! (Even though you now have 217!) :) My e-mail is laney_74[at]hotmail[dot]com
RépondreSupprimerCongrats! You have alot more than 60 now, non?
RépondreSupprimerthanks for the chance.
le.paradis.found at gmail dot com
Enter me please!
great! comgrats!!I'm a new follower!!
RépondreSupprimermy email: serena_nuvola[@]yahoo[.]it
Nice giveaway! I follow you through Google Friend Connect, and my email is: sylviadevries222[at]gmail[dot]com
Thanks for the awesome contest!
I follow (follower name is Damla). Great prizes! I'd love to win, thanks.
RépondreSupprimerannabell_lee_dk (at) yahoo.com
Great giveaway!!! I'm follower. starduststeph86@yahoo.com
RépondreSupprimeri am also a follower :) thanks for commenting on my blog and letting me know about your giveaway. i am loving your blog :)
RépondreSupprimeremail: hueandme.jan(at)gmail.com
Cute giveaway! :)
RépondreSupprimerI'm a follower through google friend connect.
OH MY, this is a really lovely giveaway!! I just recently started following, but I love all your polish-swatches already!
Thanks for letting me know about this wonderful giveaway! I love doing my nails :-)
RépondreSupprimerI've started following and I have to say that I love the nail polishes you use!
Wooow lily congrats! What a great giveaway! I'm a follower :)
ok my email is FunLaughterPeace@tkforkids.zzn.com! thanks so much i love this!
RépondreSupprimerGreat giveaway! I am a follower
throuthehaze at gmail dot com
Such a nice giveaway!!
hello, im a follower!
RépondreSupprimeremail add of mine is daylight_0013@yahoo.com
i even put you on the sidebar of my blog, please check. http://orangewink.blogspot.com/
hope this can add up my entries :D
Hey, I'm a follower!
RépondreSupprimerI love your blog! really do!
it would we awesome to win something because it's my birthday tomorrow, so i can make cool swatches.
email: reneequekel @ hotmail. com
omg! i was so happy to get a comment. I didnt think people really came to my blog. I thank you for your compliment. I am so happy to enter this giveaway. i am a one of your folowers now and I would love to have you as one of mine.
Congratulations with your 60th follower!
RépondreSupprimerWhat a huge giveaway!
I'ts a good thing you left a comment on my blog haha.
Mentos hmm!
My email is tbroeder@hotmail.com
RépondreSupprimerI became a follower. My emails is rastalove@gmail.com
Enjoy! Oh, congrats on 60 followers!
super sympa ton giveaway!
RépondreSupprimermerci pour tes commentaires!
je t'ai ajouté ds ma liste blogger afin de suivre tes actualités!
a très bientôt!
Wow, what a huge give away! Congratz =)! I follow you..
RépondreSupprimerits _ me _ michelle @ kpnplanet dot nl
I'm a follower! Enter me please. thanks for letting me know about this on my blog! I would kill for a Konad set, but I can't afford one!
RépondreSupprimerj'adore le blog! j'adore que tu sais francais parceque j'ai appris le français à l'école secondaire!
your giveaway entry is on my blog!
love your bloggg!
Bravo pour tes 60 followers!!! (et une de plus^^)
RépondreSupprimerTon giveway est trop génial!!!Je veux participer!
P.S: J'adore tes petits poissons tout en bas!
60 follower giveaway - your now nearly 260!! Thats awesome. Thanks for the giveaway.
RépondreSupprimerAm a follower.
Felicidades por todos sus seguidores!
RépondreSupprimerSoy un seguidor!
Following my little world of polish by Lily nail with Google Friend Connect [Cheryl F. {The Lucky Ladybug}] -- *Thanks* for the giveaway!
great giveaway! i'm a follower:)
thanks for the giveaway, I just followed you!
RépondreSupprimeryour blog is awesome, I love your nail ideas!
What an amazing giveaway! Congratulations, by the way, for your follower numbers!
RépondreSupprimerAm already a follower. witoxicity8 at gmail dot com
Thanks! :)
Merci a toi!
RépondreSupprimerDes aujourd'hui je suis une de tes followeurs!
Quel giveaway. Tant de trucs...
Congrats on 60 followers! : )
RépondreSupprimerI'm a follower too : P
Hi, I just became a new follower.
RépondreSupprimerI found this blog through another blog.
I would really like to enter for you give-away.
My email: freya778@hotmail.com
-xxx- Freya
Hi, I follow via google friend connect.
RépondreSupprimerI tweeted about this giveaway http://twitter.com/yeahww/status/12781478493
Thank you!
luvwendy87 at hotmail dot com
great giveaway! Wow you went from 60 to 260+? LOL! People love free stuff~ haha!
RépondreSupprimerI am a follower and want to be entered.. thanks! Love the latest post with the blue polish!
Hey, thank you for the giveaway. I'm a new follower. :)
great giveaway!
RépondreSupprimerim a follower
Thank you for this great giveaway!
Just followed your blog! you have an amazing nails!
Hi! Your blog is so nice. Thanks for inviting me to your giveaway! :)
RépondreSupprimerIts a great giveaway!
bonjour! great giveaway!
RépondreSupprimeri'm a follower via friend connect
bonjourdanielle at live dot com
Hey Lily! It's nice to meet you! Oh gosh, I love your giveaway!! I'm a new follower and have linked your giveaway on my side bar here:
Email: xiong.a@hotmail.com
Love, fiery!
I am following you on google friend connect.
RépondreSupprimerCongrats on all your followers and please include me in your giveaway
Hello :)
RépondreSupprimerSuper concours (que je découvre un peu tard, la faute aux vacances).
Je ne participe pas car j'ai déjà pas mal des vernis qui sont dans le prix donc je laisse les chances aux autres mais je vais te faire de la pub en ajoutant ton giveaway sur mon blog ;)
bises et félicitations pour tous ces nouveaux followers!
merci de la chance!
RépondreSupprimeri hope thats correct french.. i am learning it!
i am your follower via google friend connect.
CONGRATULATIONS! i follow and i put you on my blogroll :)
RépondreSupprimersara (dot) hollander (@) gmail (dot) com
RépondreSupprimerI'm a new follower, the 294th:) Congrats!
My email is tina(dot)cvahte(at)gmail(dot)com.
And thanks for the comment on my blog!
Thanks for telling me about your blog!
RépondreSupprimerPlease enter me in your giveaway!
RépondreSupprimerI'm a follower :)
enter me please!
Congratulations on having 60 followers! & i love your giveaway! (:
RépondreSupprimerI am a follower. :)
email: katherinewu925@yahoo.com
I follow through google friend and I love this kit. Gorgeous! cardshark42(at)hotmail(dot)com
RépondreSupprimerHi There,
RépondreSupprimerI am your 300th follower!!! Quite a jump from 60, so congrats!!
My email is rebecca_a_hill(at)yahoo(dot)com(dot)au
awesome giveaway :)
RépondreSupprimerfollowing you^^
that is a great giveaway! and congrats to over 300 subscribers!! WOW! I wish me luck! Oh and yes I follow you now, not only because of the giveaway! I like your blog!!!
email: kuhlchikk@rambler.ru
peripatetic33 google follower
RépondreSupprimerperipatetic33 at hot mail dot com
i thought i already entered but i have scrolled thru comments three times and do not see my entry - do you see it? - if so please disregard this one
thank you for hosting such a nice blog and having such a wonderful giveaway
Congrats!Enter me please :)
RépondreSupprimerI'm a follower